Odyssey March cont...

Odyssey cont...

My time in hospital the Odyssey continues...

When it came to daily bathing arrangements I would be put into a sling, raised from the bed and swung away from the bed, I would be left hanging there if the nurse was called away for an emergency and it was most disconcerting hanging in midair from a wire attached to the roof.  So often in my life people would say what you need, Dennis is a skyhook. This put a whole new meaning on the word skyhook.  It didn't add anything to my confidence in the arrangement, especially as one day there was really heavy rain and the roof leaked quite badly.  After that I could only imagine that the rafters in the roof were either rotting or rusting and with a fractured hip it was most uncomfortable, not to mention the draft my uncovered behind was feeling, I can only imagine what a sight it must have been.

Then came the day when I was finally told I was being moved back to the orthopaedic ward, it was such a joy to leave that place feeling so alive, it could have been so easily the other way.

My first shower. It was over a week since I was admitted and spent time in ICU that I was returned to the orthopaedic ward and my nurse for the day breezed in and in the morning announces ‘it’s a shower for you today, Dennis’.  Sounds great I thought, but the big problem was the only time I've been out of bed since I arrived was when I was put into that horrible bed hoist trussed up like a chicken.

Now all of a sudden a grey and blue machine appeared that I had seen prior to going to ICU, I thought it was a fantastic idea for transporting incapacitated patients from a to b.  I was to liken it to my silver Audi.  But it was in fact called a Sara Plus, yes the plus had a ring of performance and power (for those of you who are visual people an example can be found at:


so I was swung over the side of the bed told to hang onto the hand grips and all of a sudden I was standing upright with no weight on my legs, this was glorious and I felt like me again and I could go anywhere in this machine.  How strange it was only a little over a week ago I was independent now I was reliant on the machine to get me up and the commode chair so I could be pushed around. 

The shower was delightful and I had to thank my nurse and her trainee for making light of my situation and perhaps giving me some dignity.

Because of my outward going personality it was easy for me to get along with the nursing staff and in most cases achieve outcomes that I desired but very conscious that they had a job to do, sometimes difficult and mostly understaffed.


The new brightline test

Over the past month or two I have had many inquiries from people wanting to either develop their Kiwi quarter acre or buy a rundown property and do it up for sale. 

A word of caution here should be heeded. 

After talking to the excited and energetic punter in most cases after going through the scenarios with them we find there is little or no money in the deal and in some cases they can also lose money.  The new brightline test is having a devastating effect on budding property developers




Give us a call on (04) 563 6965 or email: dennis@taxman.co.nz or shawn@taxman.co.nz

Keep an eye out for April’s article!



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